
Statement descriptors for deposits and ACH payments

We will be updating how deposits and ACH payments are displayed on bank account statements starting August 20th.

The current statement descriptor displays as {Friendly Name} {Rainforest Identifier}.

The Rainforest Identifier is changing from a 10 alpha-numeric value to an 8 alpha-numeric value suffixed with -{letter}. The letter will be dependent on the type of deposit or ACH payment processed.

TypeStatement DescriptorExample
Platform Funding DepositRAINFOREST {8 alpha-numeric value}-aRAINFOREST hC8c411H-a
Platform Billing DepositRAINFOREST {8 alpha-numeric value}-RRAINFOREST wEI8uhNz-R
Merchant Funding Deposit{Platform Name} {8 alpha-numeric value}-dPLATFORM g8CSfJeD-d
Merchant Billing Deposit{Platform Name} {8 alpha-numeric value}-bPLATFORM HxFpaFqK-b
ACH Payin{Merchant Name} {8 alpha-numeric value}-pMERCHANT UxhzthhT-p
ACH Refund{Merchant Name} {8 alpha-numeric value}-rMERCHANT xGAqbrS9-r

The change will go into effect at the following times:

  • ACH payments processed after August 19, 2024 9:00 PM ET
  • Platform and merchant deposits processed on August 21, 2024

Please contact support if you have any questions.