
ACH return flow improvements

When an ACH payin is returned before it is available for a deposit, the current flow will move the payin status from Processing to Succeeded when the ACH return is created (explained here).


Export payment report and deposit report

Both payment report component and deposit report component now offer the ability to export data to a comma-separated values (CSV) file!


Apple Pay for payment processing

Apple Pay in the Rainforest payment component is now available!


Easier onboarding when merchants need to provide more information

During onboarding, if a merchant submits an application that has a problem and needs to be fixed, you can now do that in the Rainforest Portal or allow your merchants to fix it themselves using the merchant onboarding component.


Portal shows merchant's latest application status

We are releasing an update to the Merchants view in the Rainforest Platform Portal to give more visibility into the merchant's latest application.


Better name for risk refusal code

When a Payin is blocked by Rainforest because it appears fraudulent, we will be changing the refusal_code returned by our API from RAINFOREST_RISK_DECLINEto RISK_DECLINE.


Clearer wording in onboarding component

This week, we launched a change to the Onboarding component to clarify the questions around the merchant's estimated payment activity.


Plaid bank account verification for onboarding

Rainforest is excited to share that you can now use Plaid bank account verification for merchant onboarding! Plaid authenticates your merchant's financial information, permitting companies to transfer sensitive information securely. You can learn more about how Plaid works or how they secure financial data.


Authentication permission groups

Rainforest is introducing permission groups, a higher-level API for permissions. Permission groups let you:


Onboarding Component UI Change

We are releasing an update to the bank account entry page within the merchant onboarding component. No code changes are necessary, and the revised flow will automatically apply to any new display of the merchant onboarding component starting January 16, 2023.