Deposit report component

The deposit report component displays deposits for a given Merchant. Each deposit can be opened to display additional details and actions associated with the deposit, such as the deposit amount and the payments that were included in the deposit.

The deposit report component can be utilized for a variety of reports based on your use case. The report must be shown for a single merchant. Additionally, the report can be filtered by various fields, such as status or date. Clicking on any deposit generates a deposit detail view.

How to embed a deposit report

Session authentication

Create a session to grant the deposit report component permissions to view deposits and the payments that make up a deposit. The session should include at least the following to view deposits and their details:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{api_key}}' \
--data '{
    "ttl": 86400,
    "statements": [
            "permissions": ["group#deposit_report_component"]

Update permissions are necessary if the user should be able to perform actions such as refunding a payin. The session should include at least the following:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{api_key}}' \
--data '{
    "ttl": 86400,
    "statements": [
            "permissions": [

JavaScript bundle

Include the merchant JavaScript bundle in your frontend to access the deposit report component.

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Deposit report component

Add the Rainforest deposit report component with custom configuration designed in the component studio.


Merchant specification

In order to render the deposit report, a Merchant ID must be provided in the data-filters attribute. This will filter the report to show deposits for a specific merchant.


Column configuration

The deposit report will load with a set of default columns. Simply omit the columns prop to use the following default columns.


Custom configuration

Columns can be customized to fit the needs of your platform. To override the default columns for the deposit report, pass in the column specifications via a JSON payload in the columns prop.

    columns='[{"name":"My Custom Column Name","type":"builtin","value":"id"}]'

A column specification needs a name, type, and value.

  • name - The display header name for the column.
  • type - Set to builtin
  • value - The key corresponding to a value returned from the list deposits endpoint.

Valid column values

builtincreatedThe datetime the deposit was created at. Corresponds to the created_at field.
builtinamountThe amount of the deposit. Corresponds to the amount field.
builtinmethodThe payment method for the deposit. Corresponds to the method_type field and the last 4 digits of the account.
builtinstatusThe status of the deposit. Corresponds to the status field.
builtinidThe unique identifier for the deposit. Corresponds to the deposit_id field.

Activity column configuration

The deposit activity report in the deposit details will load with a set of default columns. Simply omit the activity-columns prop to use the following default columns.


Custom configuration

Columns can be customized using the same syntax as the deposit report columns. To override the default columns for the deposit activity report, pass in the column specifications via a JSON payload in the activity-columns prop.

    activity-columns='[{"name":"My Custom Column Name","type":"builtin","value":"id"}]'

A column specification needs a name, type, and value.

  • name - The display header name for the column.
  • type - Set to builtin or metadata
  • value - The key corresponding to a value returned from the deposit activity endpoint.

Valid column values

builtincreated_atThe datetime the activity was created at. Corresponds to the created_at field.
builtintypeThe type of activity. Corresponds to the type field.
builtinidThe unique identifier for the activity. Corresponds to the id field.
builtingross_amountThe gross amount of the activity. Corresponds to the gross_amount field.
builtinbilling_fees_amountThe amount of the billing fees for the activity. Corresponds to the billing_fees_amount field. This column will be omitted if the merchant is configured for gross billing.
builtinsplit_remainder_amountThe sum of the amount splits for the activity. Corresponds to the split_remainder_amount field.
builtinnet_amountThe net amount due to the merchant for the activity, less any fees and amount splits. Corresponds to the net_amount field. This column will be omitted if the merchant is configured for gross billing.
builtinmerchant_idThe unique identifier for the merchant associated to the activity. Corresponds to the merchant_idfield.
builtinmerchant_nameThe merchant's name associated to the activity. Corresponds to the field.
builtinpayment_methodThe payment method for the activity. Corresponds to the payment_method.method_type field and last 4 digits of the account.
metadataJSONPath to metadata keyThe metadata for the activity. Corresponds to the metadata field.

Metadata column

A column on the deposit activity report can be configured to display a custom metadata stored on the activity. The value for the type metadata should be valid JSONPath to a corresponding metadata key.

For example, payins with the following metadata:

    "account": {
        "id": "123",
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]

could have the following column specification to display the metadata account id

    "name": "Account ID",
    "type": "metadata",
    "value": "$"

Data filters

The payment report can be pre-loaded with a defined set of filters, including sort by and sort order. Data filters are defined by a JSON payload of key-value pairs passed into the data-filters prop.

A valid key includes any of the query params from the list deposits endpoint. To pass multiple values for a given key, the value can be defined as an array of values.

    "merchant_id": "mid_yourmerchant",
    "status": ["PROCESSING", "FAILED"],
    "sort_by": "created_at",
    "sort_order": "desc"

Deposit report component studio

Check out the deposit report component studio to configure and design your deposit report to fit your use case. The custom columns, data filters, and CSS variables are passed to the component through HTML attributes.

Default attributes

Simply omit the props to use the default attributes. Here is a list of the default attributes:

    columns='[{"name":"ID","type":"builtin","value":"id"},{"name":"Status","type":"builtin","value":"state"},{"name":"Amount","type":"builtin","value":"amount"},{"name":"Bank Name","type":"builtin","value":"bank_name"},{"name":"Account","type":"builtin","value":"bank_account"},{"name":"Date","type":"builtin","value":"date"},{"name":"Updated","type":"builtin","value":"date"}]'
    data-filters='{"merchant_id": "mid_yourmerchant"}'                           

UI Customization

It's possible to provide customized UI to the Deposit Report through our exposed slots. You can read more about web component slots here.

Available Slots

details-loading-indicatorOverrides the default UI shown while loading deposit details


<rainforest-deposit-report [...props]>
     <div slot="details-loading-indicator">
         (your custom UI markup)