Payment refusal codes

The code and description explaining the reason for the refusal if the payin or refund failed to process. These values are returned in the API as refusal_code and refusal_desc.

Payin and Refund Refusals

DO_NOT_HONORDo not honor.
EXPIRED_CARDExpired card.
FRAUDULENT_CARDFraudulent card.
INCORRECT_PAYMENT_INFORMATIONIncorrect payment information.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient funds.
INVALID_CARD_SECURITY_CODEInvalid card security code.
INVALID_EXPIRATION_DATEInvalid expiration date.
LOST_CARDLost card.
NO_CARD_NUMBER_ON_FILE_WITH_ISSUERNo card number on file with issuer.
NO_SUCH_CARD_ISSUERNo such card issuer.
OVER_LIMITOver limit.
PROCESSING_ERRORProcessing error.
RISK_DECLINERisk decline.
STOLEN_CARDStolen card.
UNEXPECTED_PAYIN_TOKENUnexpected payin token.
UNSUPPORTED_CARD_TYPEUnsupported card type.