Merchant webhooks

Subscribe to merchant and merchant application webhooks for updates on status changes

Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the life cycle of a merchant.

Merchant statuses

Merchant events



The webhook payload consists of:

  • data - represents all merchant fields returned by the get merchant endpoint
  • event_type - merchant events denoted by the format of merchant.{merchant_status}
    "data": {
        "merchant_id": "chb_2sOgSgPTWQ8tuxhSn0DeIdLDUjm",
        // ...
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        // ...
    "event_type": ""


Event: merchant.pending

Triggered when a merchant and the initial merchant application is created.

merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
statusThe status of the merchant, will be PENDING.
latest_merchant_applicationThe initial merchant application created associated to the merchant.
created_atDate and time merchant was created at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant.onboarding

Triggered when a merchant's initial application is submitted and the merchant is in the process of underwriting and onboarding.

merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
statusThe status of the merchant, will be ONBOARDING.
updated_atDate and time merchant was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.



Triggered when a merchant is successfully onboarded and the merchant is ready to process payments.

merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
billing_profile_idThe unique billing profile identifier. Defines the fees applies when processing payments and deposits.
billing_frequencyThe merchant billing frequency. Valid values are DAILY or MONTHYL.
billing_typeThe merchant billing type. Valid values are NET or GROSS.
deposit_frequencyThe merchant auto-deposit frequency. Valid values are DAILY or DISABLED.
card_release_delay_daysThe number of days after settlement until card-processed funds are available for deposit.
ach_release_delay_daysThe number of days after settlement until ACH-processed funds are available for deposit.
statusThe status of the merchant, will be ACTIVE.
updated_atDate and time merchant was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant.suspended

Triggered when a merchant is suspended and the merchant cannot process payments or receive deposits.

merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
statusThe status of the merchant, will be SUSPENDED.
updated_atDate and time merchant was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant.deactivated

Triggered when a merchant is deactivated. The merchant cannot process payments, but can receive deposits for any outstanding funds.

merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
statusThe status of the merchant, will be DEACTIVATED.
updated_atDate and time merchant was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant.canceled

Triggered when a merchant is canceled prior to being activated.

merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
statusThe status of the merchant, will be CANCELED.
updated_atDate and time merchant was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.