Merchant and merchant application webhooks

Subscribe to merchant and merchant application webhooks for updates on status changes


Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the life cycle of a merchant and their merchant applications.

Merchant webhook payload

The webhook payload data field represents all payin detail fields returned by the get merchant endpoint.

Merchant events

merchant.pendingTriggered when a merchant is created and the initial merchant application is in progress. The merchant status is PENDING.
merchant.onboardingTriggered when a merchant's initial application is submitted and the merchant is in the process of underwriting and onboarding. The merchant status is ONBOARDING.
merchant.activeTriggered when a merchant is successfully onboarded and the merchant is ready to accept payments. The merchant status is ACTIVE.
merchant.suspendedTriggered when a merchant is suspended and the merchant cannot accept payments. The merchant status is SUSPENDED.
merchant.deactivatedTriggered when a merchant is deactivated . The merchant status is DEACTIVATED.
merchant.canceledTriggered when a merchant is canceled prior to activation. The merchant status is CANCELED.

Merchant Applications

A Merchant fills out a Merchant Application representing their information at one point in time. If their business information changes, they might fill out subsequent Applications, while retaining their processing history under their single Merchant.

Each Merchant Application moves through a state machine as it is filled out, reviewed by Rainforest, and then marked as approved, declined, or needing additional information.

Merchant Application webhook payload

The webhook payload data field represents all payin detail fields returned by the Get Merchant Application endpoint.

Merchant Application events

merchant_application.createdTriggered when a merchant application is created and the application has not been updated yet. The merchant application status is CREATED.
merchant_application.in_progressTriggered when a merchant application is updated for the first time indicating that the application is being filled out. The merchant application status is IN_PROGRESS.
merchant_application.processingTriggered when a merchant application is submitted and the application is in the process of underwriting and onboarding. The merchant application status is PROCESSING.
merchant_application.needs_informationTriggered when a merchant application is flagged for risk review and the merchant can come back to the onboarding component and provide clarification or fix a small typo. The merchant application status is NEEDS_INFORMATION.

You can either notify the merchant and re-render the component to them so that they can fill it out. Or your support team can contact them to collect the needed information manually and then enter it into the Rainforest Portal.
merchant_application.in_reviewTriggered when a merchant application is flagged for risk review after submission and requires manual review. The merchant application status is IN_REVIEW.
merchant_application.completedTriggered when a merchant application is approved and the merchant is now active. The merchant application status is COMPLETED.
merchant_application.declinedTriggered when a merchant application is declined for a specific reason. The merchant application status is DECLINED.