Merchant and merchant application webhooks

Subscribe to merchant and merchant application webhooks for updates on status changes


Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the life cycle of a merchant.

Merchant statuses

Merchant statuses

Merchant webhook payload

The webhook payload data field represents all merchant fields returned by the get merchant endpoint.

Merchant events

EventMerchant StatusDescription
merchant.pendingPENDINGTriggered when a merchant is created and the initial merchant application is in progress.
merchant.onboardingONBOARDINGTriggered when a merchant's initial application is submitted and the merchant is in the process of underwriting and onboarding.
merchant.activeACTIVETriggered when a merchant is successfully onboarded and the merchant is ready to accept payments.
merchant.suspendedSUSPENDEDTriggered when a merchant is suspended and the merchant cannot accept payments.
merchant.deactivatedDEACTIVATEDTriggered when a merchant is deactivated.
merchant.canceledCANCELEDTriggered when a merchant is canceled prior to being activated.

Merchant Applications

Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the life cycle of a merchant application.

Merchant application statuses

Merchant application statuses

Merchant Application webhook payload

The webhook payload data field represents all merchant application fields returned by the get merchant application endpoint.

Merchant Application events

EventMerchant Application StatusDescription
merchant_application.createdCREATEDTriggered when a merchant application is created and the application has not been updated yet.
merchant_application.in_progressIN_PROGRESSTriggered when a merchant application is updated for the first time indicating that the application is being filled out.
merchant_application.processingPROCESSINGTriggered when a merchant application is submitted and the application is in the process of underwriting and onboarding.
merchant_application.needs_informationNEEDS_INFORMATIONTriggered when a merchant application could not be approved and requires additional verification for onboarding. See the Additional verification for merchant onboarding guide for how to collect the needed information from the merchant.
merchant_application.in_reviewIN_REVIEWTriggered when a merchant application could not be approved and requires additional verification for onboarding that cannot be resolved with the Needs Information onboarding flow. We will contact the platform via a helpdesk ticket for next steps.
merchant_application.completedCOMPLETEDTriggered when a merchant application is approved and the merchant is now active.
merchant_application.declinedDECLINEDTriggered when a merchant application is declined for a specific reason.