Chargeback webhooks

Subscribe to chargeback webhooks for updates on status changes

Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the lifecycle of a chargeback.

Chargeback events



The webhook payload consists of:

  • data - represents all chargeback fields returned by the get chargeback endpoint
  • event_type - chargeback events denoted by the format of chargeback.{chargeback_status}
    "data": {
        "chargeback_id": "chb_2sOgSgPTWQ8tuxhSn0DeIdLDUjm",
        "payin_id": "pyi_2sOgTXis06bBZ1rvxyqcoBWo1nq",
        // ...
        "status": "INQUIRY_ACTION_REQUIRED",
        // ...
    "event_type": "chargeback.inquiry_action_required"

Inquiry action required

Event: chargeback.inquiry_action_required

Triggered when a chargeback is in the inquiry phase and the merchant can respond by providing evidence that the payment was valid.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
payin_idThe unique payin identifier for the payin associated to the chargeback.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier.
amountThe amount of the chargeback, in minor units. Can be less than or equal to the amount of the associated payin.
currency_codeThree-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. Currently, only USD is supported.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be INQUIRY_ACTION_REQUIRED.
metadataValid JSON key-value object specified on the associated payin and persisted to the chargeback.
merchant_feesThe dispute fee billed to the merchant.
method_typeThe type of payment method. Valid values are CARD and APPLE_PAY
cardCard payment method details, applicable if the method_type is CARD.
apple_payApple Pay payment method details, applicable if the method_type is APPLE_PAY.
reason_codeThe code explaining the reason for the inquiry.
reason_descThe description explaining the dispute reason for the chargeback. This will be a human-readable value that may be presented to the end user.
acquirer_refAcquirer Reference Number (ARN) is the unique identifier to trace the chargeback with the issuing bank.
due_dateDate chargeback times out and will be decisioned as a win or a loss depending on the current status.
chargeback_evidenceThe types of evidence applicable to respond to the inquiry.
created_atDate and time chargeback was created at in UTC RFC 3339 format.

Inquiry processing

Event: chargeback.inquiry_processing

Triggered when a merchant responds to the inquiry and the cardholder's bank is now decisioning the inquiry.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be INQUIRY_PROCESSING.
updated_atDate and time chargeback was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.

Dispute action required

Event: chargeback.dispute_action_required

Triggered when a chargeback is in the dispute phase and the merchant can respond by providing evidence that the payment was valid.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
payin_idThe unique payin identifier for the payin associated to the chargeback.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be DISPUTE_ACTION_REQUIRED.
reason_codeThe code explaining the reason for the dispute.
chargeback_evidenceThe types of evidence applicable to respond to the dispute.
updated_atDate and time chargeback was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.

Chargeback processing

Event: chargeback.chargeback_processing

Triggered when a merchant responds to the dispute and the cardholder's bank is now decisioning the chargeback.

Note: if the chargeback moved from Created to Chargeback Processing, then Rainforest responded to the chargeback on the merchant's behalf. This can occur when the chargeback did not include the necessary information for the merchant to dispute.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be CHARGEBACK_PROCESSING.
updated_atDate and time chargeback was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.

Provisional win

Event: chargeback.privisional_win

Triggered when a merchant provisionally wins the chargeback, meaning the chargeback can still be lost while the cardholder's bank finalizes their decision. Funds will be returned to the merchant. But if the chargeback's win is reversed and the chargeback moves from Provision Win to Lost, the funds will be pulled back from the merchant.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be PROVISIONAL_WIN.
updated_atDate and time chargeback was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: chargeback.lost

Triggered when a chargeback is ruled in favor of the cardholder and the merchant loses the chargeback. This is final and the merchant cannot overturn this decision.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be LOST.
updated_atDate and time chargeback was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: chargeback.won

Triggered when a chargeback is ruled in favor of the merchant and the merchant wins the chargeback. This is final and the cardholder cannot overturn this decision.

chargeback_idThe unique chargeback identifier.
statusThe status of the chargeback, will be LOST.
updated_atDate and time chargeback was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.