Understanding merchants and applications

Understanding merchant and merchant application statuses

Rainforest requires your merchants be onboarded before they can collect payments. The merchant onboarding process at Rainforest is designed to quickly collect accurate data from your customers to complete required account verification and comply with rules and regulations prior to accepting payments.

In the Rainforest ecosystem has two entities, Merchant and Merchant Applications, to represent your merchant and their status within Rainforest.

  • A merchant is a business that your platform will enable to take payments. It represents a single legal entity, such as an LLC with a specific tax ID number.
  • A merchant application represents information about the business that goes through the underwriting process by Rainforest. A merchant's information might change over time, such as phone number, address, or bank account, and changes would be approved through a new merchant application.

Merchant onboarding

A merchant can be onboarded in three ways:

Onboarding process

The onboarding process consists of 3 phases:

  1. Merchant creation and application submission: the merchant is created, the required information is collected in the merchant application, and the application is submitted for approval.
  2. Account verification: the information provided is reviewed to ensure compliance with any application rules and regulations, Rainforest policy, and for accuracy.
  3. Decisioning: The merchant application is either declined or approved.

Application requirements

A merchant will be in the status of Pending and the application in the status of Created. The application will move to In Progress when the merchant begins entering their information into the application, indicating they've started the process.

Some of the information collected ensures Rainforest has the information legally-required for the "Know Your Customer" (KYC) or "Know Your Business" (KYB) processes to identify and verify the entity of your merchants in order to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorism financing. Other information is for underwriting or operational purposes, or for populating the Payment Descriptor to your merchant's users.

Data collected during the onboarding process can vary slightly by business type. See the following table for all data that must be set in order to submit the merchant application for approval.

  • ✅: required field
  • ❌: field cannot be set
  • ✚: optional field
DataReasonIndividualLLCLLPPartnershipPrivate CorporationPublic CorporationNon-Profit OrganizationGovernment
Business DBAKYC / KYB, Payment descriptor
Business legal nameKYC / KYB
Organization typeKYC / KYB
MCCUnderwriting, interchange assessment
Business emailUnderwriting
WebsiteKYC / KYB, Payment descriptor
Business phone numberPayment descriptor
Average ticketUnderwriting
High ticketUnderwriting
Average monthly volumeUnderwriting
AddressKYC / KYB, Payment descriptor
Owner 1 / RepresentativeKYC / KYB
Owner 2KYC / KYB
Owner 3KYC / KYB
Owner 4KYC / KYB
Bank accountOperational (merchant deposits)

Owner/Representative data

LLC, LLP, and Partnership organizations can have up to 4 owners with greater than 25% ownership. Private corporation, public corporation, Non-profit organization, and Government require 1 representative. Individual only has 1 owner with 100% ownership.

DataReasonIndividualLLCLLPPartnershipPrivate CorporationNon-Profit OrganizationPublic CorporationGovernment
First nameKYC / KYB
Last nameKYC / KYB
Date of birthKYC / KYB
Social security numberKYC / KYB
EmailKYC / KYB
Phone numberKYC / KYB
AddressKYC / KYB
Ownership percentageKYC / KYB

Account verification

Once the merchant submits their application, the application status will move to Processing. Rainforest will review the application and determine next steps.

Most often, the information provided in the merchant application is sufficient to complete the underwriting process. Once approved, the application will move to Completed and the merchant will move to Active. The merchant is now ready to accept payments.

Additional verification

However, there may be scenarios where additional verification is required to make a decision on your merchant. These reasons may include data mismatch (e.g. the business legal name is not associated to the tax ID provided), business entity verification (i.e. we were unable to confirm that the business is a registered entity), or for an enhanced verification (e.g. the business volume or business type warrants additional review).

If additional verification is required, the merchant will enter one of the two statuses:

  • Needs Information: you or your merchant can resolve the open issues through the self-service verification process using the Merchant Onboarding Component.
  • In Review: we need additional information from you or your merchant that cannot be resolved through the self-service verification process. Rainforest will reach out to you, the platform, via the provided underwriting email we have on file.

Once Rainforest has the additional information, we will make a decision on your merchant.

Auto-cancelation of merchants


Open applications of 120 days

Rainforest will automatically cancel merchants that are in the status of Pending or Onboarding for more than 120 days, based on the created date of the merchant.

The result of this process will move the merchant to the Canceled status and the associated open application to the Declined status.

You should listen to the merchant and merchant application webhooks to know when Rainforest automatically closes an application. The following webhooks will trigger:

  • merchant.canceled
  • merchant_application.declined

Once the application is closed, it will no longer appear in the Merchant report in the Platform Portal.

The platform can create a new merchant if the merchant would like to re-apply for payment processing. Because the previous application was closed and no longer appears in the Platform Portal, you will be able to use the merchant name again when creating a new merchant.


Merchant statuses

The merchant status is the descriptor of the current status in the life cycle of a merchant. Indicating if they are onboarded, can accept payments, and receive deposits.

Merchant statuses

Merchant application statuses

The merchant application status is the descriptor of the current status in the life cycle of a merchant application. Indicating the status of the merchant application through the onboarding and underwriting process.

Merchant Application status machine
Merchant statusMerchant application statusDescriptionAction ownerPlatform action
PendingCreatedThe merchant and merchant application have been created, but the merchant has not began filling out the application.MerchantFollow up with the merchant to help them complete their application.
PendingIn ProgressThe merchant is in the process of filling out their application.MerchantFollow up with the merchant to help them complete their application.
OnboardingProcessingThe merchant has submitted their application and it is going through standard underwriting.RainforestNo action required.
OnboardingIn ReviewThe merchant requires an additional manual underwriting review.PlatformRainforest has reached out to the platform via the underwriting email provided for the additional requirements.
OnboardingNeeds InformationThe merchant requires additional underwriting review that can be submitted via the self-service verification process.MerchantThe merchant should be directed to the Merchant Onboarding Component to provide the additional requirements.

- If a merchant requires manual underwriting review AND self-service verification, there will also be an email sent to the platform and an indicator in the Rainforest Platform Portal.
CanceledDeclinedThe merchant was canceled before becoming active.

- Open merchant applications that are 120 days old are automatically canceled.
--No action required.
ActiveCompletedThe merchant application is approved and the merchant can process payments.--No action required.
SuspendedCompletedThe merchant has been temporarily suspended and cannot process payments or receive deposits.--No action required.
DeactivatedCompletedThe merchant has been permanently deactivated and cannot process payments. --No action required.