Understanding payins
Understanding payin statuses
A payin is a type of payment and is the movement of funds from a User to a Merchant.
A payin is identified by the payin_id
in the Rainforest ecosystem. The prefix for a payin_id
is pyi_
on production and sbx_pyi
on sandbox.
The payin status
is the descriptor of the current status in the life cycle of the payin.

Status | Description |
CREATED | Payin was created and waiting approval. This is an interim state. |
AUTHORIZED | Payin is authorized for processing. |
PRESENTING | Payin is presented on a terminal device and waiting for the user to process the payin on the device. This is an interim state. |
PROCESSING | Payin was approved and is currently processing. This is an interim state. |
SUCCEEDED | Payin has completed processing and is available to be deposited. |
FAILED | Payin failed to process. |
CANCELED | Payin processing was canceled and no funds will be moved. This means the payment was canceled/voided after processing or canceled when presenting on a terminal device. |
IN_REVIEW | Payin has been flagged for fraud review. |
Updated 4 months ago