Payment method webhooks

Subscribe to payment method webhooks for updates on status changes

Payment methods

Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the lifecycle of a payment method.

Payment method statuses

Payment method statuses

Payment method webhook payload

The webhook payload data field represents all payment method detail fields returned by the get payment method endpoint.

Payment method events

EventPayment Method StatusDescription
payment_method.createdCREATEDTriggered when a payment method is created and awaiting presentation or activation.
payment_method.presentingPRESENTINGTriggered when a payment method is presented on an EMV device and waiting for the user to provide their payment method for storage.
payment_method.activeACTIVETriggered when a payment method has been deemed ready for use.
payment_method.canceledCANCELEDTriggered when a payment method is unavailable for use. For example, if the payment method is invalid or failed to be collected on an EMV device.
payment_method.failedFAILEDTriggered when a payment method has failed.
payment_method.replacedREPLACEDTriggered when a payment method is replaced by a new payment method.