Merchant application webhooks

Subscribe to merchant application webhooks for updated on status changes

Webhooks can be configured to receive updates on every status change that occurs through the life cycle of a merchant application.

Merchant application statuses

Merchant application events



The webhook payload consists of:

  • data - represents all merchant application fields returned by the get merchant application endpoint
  • event_type - merchant application events denoted by the format of merchant_application.{merchant_application_status}
    "data": {
        "merchant_application_id": "app_2sOuOghBfy4SGFS6b7Le8uW8zGo",
        "merchant_id": "mid_2sOuQknV0ornUMNElq9HS3Y5XUv",
        // ...
        "status": "CREATED",
        // ...
    "event_type": "merchant_application.created"


Event: merchant_application.created

Triggered when a merchant application is created. A merchant's initial merchant application is created when the merchant is created. The application has not been updated by the merchant yet.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be CREATED.
created_atDate and time merchant application was created at in UTC RFC 3339 format.

In progress

Event: merchant_application.in_progress

Triggered when a merchant application is updated for the first time indicating that the application is being filled out.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be IN_PROGRESS.
updated_atDate and time merchant application was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant_application.processing

Triggered when a merchant application is submitted and the application is in the process of underwriting and onboarding.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be PROCESSING.
submitted_atDate and time merchant application was submitted at for approval in UTC RFC 3339 format.

Needs information

Event: merchant_application.needs_information

Triggered when a merchant application could not be approved and requires additional verification for onboarding. See the Additional verification for merchant onboarding guide for how to collect the needed information from the merchant.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be NEEDS_INFORMATION.
updated_atDate and time merchant application was last updated at in UTC RFC 3339 format.

In review

Event: merchant_application.in_review

Triggered when a merchant application could not be approved and requires additional verification for onboarding that cannot be resolved with the Needs Information onboarding flow. We will contact the platform via the underwriting email provided by the platform for next steps.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be IN_REVIEW.
in_review_atDate and time merchant application was moved to in review in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant_application.completed

Triggered when a merchant application is approved and the merchant is now active. The merchant's information in the application will not be updated once application is completed. All fields on the merchant application are now represented on the merchant.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be COMPLETED.
approved_atDate and time merchant application was approved in UTC RFC 3339 format.


Event: merchant_application.declined

Triggered when a merchant application is declined for a specific reason. This is a final decision and the application cannot be re-opened.

merchant_application_idThe unique merchant application identifier.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier to the associated merchant.
statusThe status of the merchant application, will be DECLIINED.
declined_atDate and time merchant application was declined in UTC RFC 3339 format.