MVP best practices
Minimum viable product (MVP) best practices for your integration with Rainforest
Starting with a minimum viable product (MVP) can result in significant advantages including reducing initial resource requirements, decreasing your time to revenue, and inviting internal and external feedback to ensure you are working on the most valuable features and functionality.
Where to start
It's tempting to start with integrating merchant onboarding, but we recommend starting with payins for two reasons.
- You can onboard merchants manually through our portal for your initial merchants
- Payins can be implemented quickly increasing confidence and familiarity with the Rainforest platform
Integrate Payins
Start by taking a quick read of our Understanding payins article and then move to Take a payment on the web. Here are a few use cases to start with:
- Run a successful card payment
- Run a declined card payment (Note: You can simulate declines utilizing the drop down in our sandbox payin component.)
- Configure the look & feel of the payment receipt using our component or a custom UI
If you are looking to integrate card present payments, please review the take an in-person payment article
Implement reporting tools
Your merchants will want to be able to see the payments they've processed through you and also view the deposits to their account. Use our embeddable components to quickly add this functionality to your platform.
Note: Rainforest strongly recommends including at least deposit reporting as part of your MVP; however, reporting is not required to go-live.
Starting Use-Cases:
- Display a deposit report for a merchant. Pay attention to session keys to ensure merchants can only see their own data.
- Display deposit activity for a given deposit
- Display a payment list report for a merchant. Session keys are important here as well
- Display a payment details report for a transaction
- Run a refund from the payment details component report
Custom Reporting: If you are looking to build custom reporting tools using our API, please review our payments and deposit APIs.
Think about webhooks
Ensure you're listening to important events to keep your system in sync and provide useful data back to your merchants.
Important events include:
Note: While you can use the portal to onboard merchants initially, we still recommend listening to merchant and merchant application webhooks, to ensure you and/or the merchant are notified about changes in an application's status.
Create a new billing profile and test merchant within sandbox portal
- Create a new billing profile via the billing tab on the left side of the portal
- Onboard a merchant with the new billing profile by specifying the billing profile in the create merchant API call or by using the merchant tab and "Add new merchant" button
- Recommended: Take a test payment against the new merchant
Taking your payments product to the next level
Once you've completed MVP, learn how to enhance your product's functionality Additional functionality includes Apple Pay, storing payment methods, embedded merchant onboarding, and much more!
Updated 7 months ago