Migrate payment methods to Rainforest

Migrate previously-stored payment methods from other processors to Rainforest

Your merchants can request a migration of previously-stored payment methods from other processors to Rainforest. This will ensure that there is no impact to your users payment functionality during the migration to Rainforest. The migration process will differ per processor and Rainforest will work with your current processor to ensure all payment methods are migrated to the Rainforest ecosystem.

Migrate from Stripe

Request migration from merchant

The following document is a template designed to be branded as the platform and provided to merchants as part of the migration plan. The form should be reviewed and updated to reflect your brand and references. All yellow highlighted text within the template should be replaced with platform specific text.

Stripe data migration merchant template doc

Forward the migration to Rainforest

Once the merchant requests the migration from Stripe, they will receive an email from Stripe with the subject line:

Stripe export migration request {Merchant Name} (acct_XXX): migreq_XXX

The merchant should forward this email to you, and then you should forward this email to Rainforest at support@rainforestpay.com.


Do not alter the Stripe email

The subject line and contents of the export migration email should not be altered and must contain the exact contents from Stripe.

Rainforest to complete migration

Once Rainforest receives the Stripe migration, we will import the payment method data. After the migration is complete, we will send you a CSV export with the following data to associate the Stripe tokens with the Rainforest payment methods:

Source Method IDThe Stripe identifier
Source Customer IDThe Stripe customer identifier
Source Method TypeThe payment method type, CARD or ACH.
Rainforest Payment Method IDThe Rainforest unique payment method identifier. Prefix is "mtd".
Rainforest Payment Method FingerprintThe Rainforest unique identifier of the payment method data. If the same card or ACH data is stored multiple times they will have the same fingerprint.

Migrate from other processors

For other processors, please reach out to the processor and ask for their process to export payment method data to your new payment provider.

The processor will have a process to encrypt the data utilizing Rainforest's PGP Public Key and instructions on how to complete the migration. This ensures that the payment method data is securely encrypted and only Rainforest has the ability to access the PCI and PII data. Please send these instructions to Rainforest to support@rainforestpay.com.

Once Rainforest receives the data and instructions on how to import, we will complete the migration and provide a CSV export with the following data to associate the processor's tokens with the Rainforest payment methods:

Source Method IDThe processor identifier
Source Customer IDThe processor customer identifier, if provided.
Source Method TypeThe payment method type, CARD or ACH.
Rainforest Payment Method IDThe Rainforest unique payment method identifier. Prefix is "mtd".
Rainforest Payment Method FingerprintThe Rainforest unique identifier of the payment method data. If the same card or ACH data is stored multiple times they will have the same fingerprint.

Note: some processors may only provide a single identifier for the payment method and may not provide an additional customer identifier.

Migrate from your platform

If your platform is currently storing PCI data, Rainforest will provide temporary access to the create payment method endpoint to store the card and ACH data in Rainforest's system. See the PCI direct integration guide for additional details. After the migration, you should remove all PCI data from your system.