Merchant billing profiles

Billing profiles to bill a merchant for payment activity

Every merchant is assigned a Billing Profile to determine the fees and rates that are billed to the merchant.

Default billing profile

The platform has a default billing profile, denoted by the ★ icon next to the billing profile name in the Rainforest Portal, that will be assigned to the merchant unless otherwise specified when creating the merchant via API or the Rainforest Portal.

Please email if the default billing profile needs to be updated.

Billing profile fees and rates

The application of each fee and rate in the billing profile is dependent on the activity.

Online Card Payin RateThe % of each online card payin amount, billed per payin.

Rate calculated at time of processing.
Online Card Payin FeeThe fee of each online card payin, billed per payin.

Fee applied at time of processing.
Online Card Payin - Amex Surcharge RateThe % of each online card payin amount surcharged on top of the Online Card Payin Rate and Fee, billed per payin.

Rate calculated at time of processing.

e.g. if the Online Card Payin Rate and Fee is 3.0% and $0.30, and the Amex Surcharge Rate is 0.50%, the merchant will be charged 3.5% and $0.30 for payins on Amex.
Online Card Refund RateThe % of each online card refund amount, billed per refund.

Rate calculated at time of processing.
Online Card Refund FeeThe fee of each online card refund, billed per refund.

Fee applied at time of processing.
Card-Present Payin RateThe % of each card-present payin amount, billed per payin.

Rate calculated at time of processing.
Card-Present Payin FeeThe fee of each card-present payin, billed per payin.

Fee applied at time of processing.
Card Present Payin - Amex Surcharge RateThe % of each card-present payin amount surcharged on top of the Card-Present Payin Rate and Fee, billed per payin.

Rate calculated at time of processing.

e.g. if the Card-Present Payin Rate and Fee is 3.0% and $0.30, and the Amex Surcharge Rate is 0.50%, the merchant will be charged 3.5% and $0.30 for payins on Amex.
Card-Present Refund RateThe % of each card-present refund amount, billed per refund.

Rate calculated at time of processing.
Card-Present Refund FeeThe fee of each card-present refund, billed per refund.

Fee applied at time of processing.
Card Dispute FeeThe fee of each card dispute (chargeback), billed per chargeback.

Fee applied at creation of the chargeback, regardless if the chargeback is later won.
ACH Payin RateThe % of each ACH payin amount, billed per payin.

Rate calculated at time of processing.
ACH Payin FeeThe fee of each ACH payin, billed per payin.

Fee applied at time of processing.
ACH Refund RateThe % of each ACH refund amount, billed per refund.

Rate calculated at time of processing.
ACH Refund FeeThe fee of each ACH refund, billed per refund.

Fee applied at time of processing.
ACH Return FeeThe fee of each ACH return, billed per ACH return.

Fee applied at time of creation.
ACH Validation FeeThe fee for each ACH payment method validated, billed as an adjustment in the merchant deposit.

Fee applied to the merchant's daily funding deposit for all Validated ACH payment methods created the day before with an 11PM cutoff. Meaning created between 11 PM to 11 PM ET for the date range of previous previous day to previous day.

e.g. Bill created on 8/6 for all Validated ACH payment methods created between 8/4 11 PM ET to 8/5 11PM ET.
Standard Deposit FeeThe fee of each deposit to the merchant.

Fee applied at processing of deposit, one per business day before 12 PM ET.
3DS Attempt FeeThe fee of each 3DS attempt, billed as an adjustment in the merchant deposit.

Fee applied to the merchant's daily funding deposit for all 3DS attempts created between 11 PM to 11 PM ET for the date range of previous previous day to previous day.

e.g. Bill created on 8/6 for all 3DS attempts created between 8/4 11 PM ET to 8/5 11PM ET.

Update a merchant's billing profile

The billing profile assigned to a merchant can be updated via API or the Rainforest Portal. The new billing profile will take effect immediately. However, the time that each fee and rate in the billing profile is calculated is dependent on the activity. Meaning, a merchant's deposit can have payments with fees from the old billing profile and the new billing profile. See the table above for when each fee and rate is applied.

Payin Example

In the deposit below, at 8:49 AM the merchant's billing profile has an Online Card Payin Rate and Fee of 3.0% and $0.30. The merchant's assigned billing profile was updated at 8:50 AM to a profile that has an Online Card Payin Rate and Fee of 4.0% and $0.40. The payments processed after 8:50 AM have the new billing profile rate and fee applied.

3DS Attempt Fee Example

If a merchant's billing profile is updated, the new billing profile 3DS Attempt Fee will be applied when 3DS attempts are billed at 7 AM every day. Meaning all 3DS attempts created the day before will receive the fee that is assigned to the merchant at the time of billing.