Deposit timing for payments

Deposit timing explanation for payments on various payment method types

Deposits are created on each US banking day, for every merchant who has funds to be deposited.

Deposit timing is expressed in a "T+X" format, where T equals the processing date of the payin and X equals the number of business days until the payin is made available to the merchant in a deposit. The payin status will move from Processing to Succeeded when it becomes available to the merchant to be deposited.

For example: T+1 would indicate that a payin processed on Monday would be deposited to the merchant on Tuesday.

One deposit per day will be sent to each merchant if funds are available for deposit, regardless of the day they were processed on.

For example: Card payins on a T+1 deposit timing processed on Friday, Saturday, Sunday will deposit on Monday in a single deposit.

Deposit timing

Deposit timing is set per merchant and per payment method type. Meaning card and ACH payins may have different deposit timings.


Payin deposit timing is dependent on the type of payment method used to process the payin:

  • Card payins
  • ACH payins
  • Validated ACH payins
  • Balance-Checked ACH payins

Rainforest's standard timing is T+1 for Card payins and T+4 for ACH payins.

The merchant's deposit timing can be viewed in the Merchant details in the Rainforest Platform Portal. Timing can vary per platform, please reach out to [email protected] for timing configuration.

Other payment types

Payment types that are not payins, such as refunds, chargebacks, and ACH returns follow a T+1 deposit timing and is not configurable by the platform or merchant. These payment types are generally reversals and therefore, the funds will be deducted from the merchant the next business day.

Merchant settings examples

Merchant 1


Merchant 2


Daily cutoff times

Card11:00 PM ET

Payins submitted after the cutoff time will be following the timing of the next day as T.

For example: A card payin entered at 11:30 p.m. ET on Monday with a T+1 deposit timing setting, will follow a timing of Tuesday as T and will be deposited to the merchant on Wednesday.

Weekends and banking holidays


A card payin processed on a weekend or banking holiday will be available for deposit timing calculations starting on the next business day. T will be the day the payin was processed, even on a weekend or banking holiday. X will begin the next business day after T.

For example: A card processed on a Saturday with a T+1 deposit timing setting, will be deposited to the merchant on Monday. T (Saturday) + 1 (Monday)


An ACH payin processed on a weekend or banking holiday will start the "T" calculation on the next business day. T will be the day the payin was processed if it's a banking day, or the next business day if it's a weekend or banking holiday. X will begin the next business day after T.

For example: An ACH entered on a Saturday with a T+1 deposit timing setting, will be deposited to the merchant on Tuesday. T (Monday) + 1 (Tuesday)

Timing examples

T+1 Card Payin

Note: Monday deposit includes payments processed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


T+4 ACH Payin

Note: Friday deposit includes payments processed on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.


Payment expected deposit date

Rainforest provides an Expected Deposit Date for each payment, which represents an estimate on when the payment will be included in the merchant's deposit.

There are a few limitations to the Expected Deposit Date:

  1. This is an expected date and not a guaranteed date. If a payment is in review, canceled, or returned, then the expected deposit date can change.
  2. If a merchant's deposits are disabled, then this date will not represent the deposit date accurately. This date represents the deposit timing if deposits were enabled.
  3. For chargebacks, the expected deposit date represents the date the fee of the chargeback is expected to be deducted in a deposit. Due to the nature of the chargeback lifecycle, funds pulled from the merchant or given to the merchant is dependent on the chargeback status and is not represented by the expected deposit date.

This date will be provided when a payment processes and funds are expected to move following the respective payment type and method's deposit timing.

Expected deposit date populated

The following statuses indicate when the Expected Deposit Date will be available for each type of payment.

Payment TypeStatusDescription
PayinProcessingThe Expected Deposit Date indicates when the funds will be available to the merchant as long as the payin moves to Succeeded (i.e is not voided or returned).
RefundProcessingThe Expected Deposit Date indicates when the funds will be deducted from the merchant.
ChargebackCreatedThe Expected Deposit Date indicates when the fee of the chargeback will be deducted from the merchant. Due to the nature of the chargeback lifecycle, funds pulled from the merchant or given to the merchant is dependent on the chargeback status and is not represented by the expected deposit date.
ACH ReturnCreatedThe Expected Deposit Date indicates when the funds will be deducted from the merchant.

Expected deposit date removed

The following payment statuses would have provided an Expected Deposit Date earlier in the lifecycle of the payment. But when the payment is canceled, put in review, or returned, it will no longer be expected to be in a future deposit and the Expected Deposit Date will be updated to reflect this.

Payment TypeStatusDescription
PayinCanceledIf the payin is voided, then the funds will not move and the payin is not expected to be in a deposit.
PayinIn ReviewIf the payin is in risk review, the payin will be held until further notice and is not expected to be in a future deposit.
PayinReturnedIf the ACH payin is return before it deposited, the payin's expected deposit date will be updated to account for the ACH return.
RefundCanceledIf the refund is voided, then the funds will not move and the refund is not expected to be in a deposit.
RefundIn ReviewIf the refund is in risk review, the refund will be held until further notice and is not expected to be in a future deposit.


The Expected Deposit Date is displayed in the respective Payment Details Components.

The Expected Deposit Date can also be configured as a column in the Payment Report Component.